

AEGVE is the Spanish Association of Corporate Travel Managers and its main objectives are training, information and networking.


Juan del Rey

Managing Director
Tel: +34 669 293 295


Data privacy

In compliance with REGULATION (EU) 2016/679, and in relation to the processing of your personal data, we inform you of the following:

Responsible: AEGVE.

Purpose: To maintain the relationship, send information, respond to your queries and requests, prepare proposals and offers and provide our services, for as long as our relationship lasts and we have your consent.

Legitimation: Execution of contract or consent of the data subject.

Addressees: AEGVE informs the User of the existence of an automated personal data file created by and for AEGVE and under its responsibility, with the purpose of carrying out the maintenance and management of the relationship with the User, as well as information tasks. These will be collected through the corresponding forms, which will only contain the essential fields to provide the service required by the User. No data will be transferred to third parties unless legally required.

Rights: AEGVE's privacy policy ensures the exercise of the rights of access, rectification, cancellation, information of valuations and opposition, in the terms established in the current legislation, being able to use for this purpose any of the communication channels or in general, by the means of communication that you usually use.

AEGVE has adopted the legally required levels of security for the protection of Personal Data, and has installed all the technical and organizational means and measures within its reach to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of the data, whose secrecy and confidentiality it guarantees.

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